
Acupuncture has been used for more than 2000 years in China to enhance well -being and treating diseases. In traditional Chinese medicine, health is believed to be the result of the flow of energy, called Chi, in the body.


5 to 15 needles are placed in specially selected acupuncture points of the body (depending on the condition).
They are disposable and specially packaged to be used by the doctor without touching them.
The placement is painless. The technique is such that it does not cause pain in the patient. The depth of insert depends on the body type and the area of ​​the body that are placed.
The needles remain at acupuncture points for 15 to 45 minutes. Are then removed.
After acupuncture the patient can continue his activity without problems (lead, work, have fun).
Treatments are performed at a frequency of two to three treatments per week.
A full treatment requires 8 to 12 acupuncture sessions. There is a clear limit that depends on many factors.
Dietary or dietary supplements may also be taken during treatment. These do not alter the effect of treatment.
Acupuncture is not just a good painkiller. It is a treatment that has medium -term - long -term action. A good result takes months or years.


Back pain - sciatica, ragi (rachial).
Fibromyalgia - idiopathic chronic pain syndrome.
Nerve, nerve and nerve -wage disorders, neuropathies.
Arthritis and periarthritis (tendonitis) upper and lower extremity joints.
Muscle algae (diffuse or localized), fibromyalgia.
Migraine, trigeminal neuralgia, voltage headaches, personal nerve peoples, vertigs, tinnitus.
Allergic asthma, allergic rhinitis, sinusitis.
Gastrointestinal diseases (gastritis, colitis).
Anxiety phobic neurosis, neurophysical disorders, sleep /alertness disorders, memory, concentration and behavior, depression.
Skin diseases (acne, psoriasis, eczema, urticaria).
Angio-brain diseases, neuro-degenerative diseases (residual functioning capacity, disorganization of motor and neurological function and level of consciousness, awareness and communication), dystonies.