Neurological physiotherapy

Nerve restoration is a significant importance and requires immediate treatment and specialized knowledge. Physiotherapy, which is a cornerstone in rehabilitation, has developed neurological physiotherapy methods to deal with these cases. Neurological physiotherapy enhances the recovery of movement and function in patients with injury or disease of the central or peripheral nervous system.

Some of the most common neurological diseases that need physiotherapy are the following:

Multiple Sclerosis
Parkinson's disease
Spinal cord injuries
Traumatic brain injury.

Personalized treatment

It is important for the patient to be treated with a physiotherapeutic rehabilitation program in accordance with his needs and the particularities of his or her condition, with the aim of improving his health and quality of life.

Neurological assessment is considered necessary in order to evaluate musculoskeletal problems, potential aesthetic lesions, various forms of movement disorders, such as spasticity, dystonia and disorder, changes in body attitude, balance, concentration, memory and neuropsychiatric agents and much more to determine the objectives of the program.

The above problems that may arise in a neurological patient make daily activities, such as walking, a chair, feeding, daily hygiene, writing, driving, etc. The strategy of dealing with these problems is the separation of therapeutic goals into short -term and long -term.

Thus, a therapeutic goal, such as e.g. Walking, which may seem impossible, will be devastated into smaller ones who are possible and will ultimately compose the greatest goal.

The goals of neurological physiotherapy are:

Recking/Restore Right Station and Movement
Gait re -training
Increase strength of muscle system
Defending of pathological reflexes
Recking/Improving Width of Motion of the joints
Good respiratory function
Restoration of operational movements of daily life
Social/work reintegration.
Neuroplasticity facilitating

Performing activities is not only dependent on the levels of muscle power, but mainly on how the brain will successfully use the required combination of muscles for this purpose. In addition, he may have a different power performance between different activities. There should also be sufficient sensitivity, cognitive adequacy, optimal joint range as well as bone integrity.

There are various functional rehabilitation techniques, which aim at both the improvement of neuromious control and the re -education of muscle function and the development of normal motion and gait patterns.